Untreated Wombat mange, an infestation of mange mite, often leads to wombat death. Community reporting of manged wombats and repeat treatment for parasite control are the corner stones of care.

Wombat Mange is not a disease but an infestation of the mange mite. The female mites burrow under the skin where they deposit eggs, these hatch and cause intense discomfort. Over time thick plaques that look like scabs and ridges form over the wombats body. These scabs become dry and split open, the wounds can then become flyblown and infected.

Wombat Mange 1

The plight of wombats with wombat mange has been an ongoing concern for many years and is an animal welfare issue. Unless treated the infestation progresses and eventually the wombat is so severely compromised it dies a slow and agonizing death.

It is not known exactly where mange came from. It may have been introduced by early settlers as scabies or during settlement with the introduction of foxes and domestic dogs. What we do know is, it has spread throughout our wombat population, affecting the bare nosed wombat in particular.

You can help by reporting the location, date and time you observed a manged wombat and joining with other volunteer to assit with the field treatment of affected wombats.